
Clearasil #ShowYourFace Sponsors Yahoo Festivals

June sees Clearasil sign as an exclusive sponsor of Yahoo’s ‘summer festival’ online coverage as it extends its youth-focused #showyourface campaign into the live (and online) music space.


The partnership sees the teen skincare product place co-branded ‘Clearasil / Yahoo Photo Experiences’ at both Parklife and SW4 festivals as part of a ‘selfie face-off’ competition offering music fans the chance to win VIP live show access and other music- and brand-related prizes.


The sponsorship, which runs through the summer and was brokered by ZenithOptimedia, is part of the brand’s ongoing #showyourface campaign.


Running across multiple channels and platforms – from Twitter, Facebook, web, outdoor, on-pack and at-event – aims to encourage consumers to upload their selfies through Twitter using the campaign hashtag to try and win festival tickets, summer event entry and to see their own faces projected onto huge live event screens.


This ‘Selfie Face-Off’ competition is also being promoted via YouTube with an online explanatory film on how to enter.



‘Yahoo Celebrity prides itself on offering round the clock entertainment news and compressive festival experiences – even on the ground with the Yahoo photo booths and maybe even a few surprise famous faces,’ explains Yahoo Studio director Krane Jeffrey.


‘We’re excited to be able to offer Clearasil this highly engaging integrated cross media activation to connect them with Yahoo Celebrity’s teen audience.’




This online promotional campaign follows in the footsteps of previous Clearasil work which is largely designed to raise awareness of the benefits of the brand, and tap into the important role clear skin plays in ‘self-esteem’ amongst its key 15-19 year old market.


Built on the insight that teens and young adults can feel self-conscious about spots which can dent self-confidence, the ‘ShowYourFace’ approach is about Clearasil giving teenagers the confidence to can get out there and enjoy life.




#ShowYourFace Website



#ShowYourFace Twitter




Clearasil YouTube



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