
Powerade Sponsors FourFourTwo Web Spin-Off


Coca-Cola performance drink Powerade has linked with UK-based football magazine FourFourTwo to sponsor the launch of a spin-off website that aims to help amateurs improve their skills.


Another element in Powereade’s growing move into football sponsorship, the deal sees the Haymarket owned brand launch its Performance website – which provides professional level advice for footballers of all abilities under the strapline “Think. Train. Play. Like a Pro”


With the bold claim of improving any player’s game within 10 minutes of visiting the site, Performance has contributions from professional footballers such as Rio Ferdinand, Ashley Cole and Wayne Rooney, and has sections covering technique, tactics, fitness, nutrition, injuries and psychology.


The site complements the 10-page Performance section launched in the monthly magazine last September.


Powerade has signed on as the official sports drink sponsor for the site and the magazine section. Powerade’s involvement comes in the form of sponsored editorial, focusing chiefly on nutrition and dietary aspects. Including the Powerade pre-season training plan.


More traditional media buys are available in the form of advertising space in banner and display ads.


FourFourTwo brand director High Slight believes the sponsorship a “perfect fit” as “Powerade operates at the very elite level of sport but with practical applications right the way down to grassroots football and we’re working with them to use their experts to teach our readers all about fitness, nutrition and the importance of hydration.”


Sleight continues “We felt there was a real opportunity to deliver unique and useful content to footballers that would help them improve their game. Look around and there’s precious little out there that delivers meaningful advice to footballers. Our belief is that whether you’re 14 or 40, playing professionally or in the park, there’s something here for you.”


The launch is supported by social media work – including Facebook and Twitter pages promoting the stand out content and a YouTube channel for video tutorials.




As the print business becomes increasingly pressurised and expensive under the challenge of the internet, most powerful magazine brands are seeking to expand their name, reputation and readership into the online space where they can build digital revenues.


Working in partnership with flagship sponsors is a key way to turn these online arms into profit centres – particularly in the digital environment where viewers seem more accepting of brand-backed content and conversation.


The fashion magazine sector has been at the forefront of this trend, but now we are seeing other specialist areas such as sports tackling this challenge.











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