
Spain Sponsor Movistar Sends Stars Undercover

Mobile giant Movistar sends Spanish soccer stars undercover in everyday jobs for a stripped back World Cup stunt.


The campaign sees five of La Roja’s best players – Alonso, Iniesta, Reina, Cazorla and Juanfran – undergo major makeovers before heading to work in a kitchen, a garden, a classroom and even a retirement home.



The campaign runs under a tagline that translates as ‘We will make every effort for you’ and was made as a ‘thank you’ tribute to the 47 million who live in Spain and who are everyday champions.


The thinking behind the current World Champions’ campaign is based around the question ‘how to motivate a team that has won everything?’


And the answer the national team’s sponsor came up with was to bring the players closer to their fans than ever and spread a sense of optimism and enthusiasm.


The objective is to discover how star players live day to day in the fans’ skins and to send a message of optimism and support to the fans as they work hard each and every day to achieve their own personal and professional challenges.




Fun, fresh and free from the epic, cinematic, hype-generating commercials that we are so used to at major sporting events, this campaign is a down-to-earth delight.


And with more than a million YouTube views to date, we clearly aren’t the only ones to think so.


Movistar has sponsored the Royal Spanish Football Federation  (including the Spanish National and Under-21 Teams) for several season now – including during La Joja’s Euro 2012 triumph.


Movistar also sponsors Colombia and Mexico and its parent company’ Telefonica’s Brazilian brand Vevo sponsors the host nation national side




Movistar Span YouTube



Movistar Spain Website



Royal Spanish Football Federation



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