
Cadbury’s Augmented Reality Spot v Stripes App


The latest roll out from Cadbury’s London 2012 Spots v Stripes campaign sees the Kraft brand break new ground with an augmented reality app that enables users to play a digital game when their smartphone camera is pointed at a Cadbury chocolate bar.


In one of the very first pieces of sponsorship activation to use Blippar software, the app recognises Cadbury packaging in a manner similar to that used in QR code technology and transforms the bar image into a game called ‘Quaksmack’.


As with all aspects of the Cadbury Olympic campaign, players choose a team (either ‘spots’ or ‘stripes’) and then ducks appear from either side of the chocolate bar. Players have to ‘smack’ the opposing team’s ducks by tapping the screen.


The game app, part of the official London 2012 confectionary partner’s ongoing Olympic activity, can be downloaded on to both with Apple or Android handsets. It is available across all Cadbury bars except Creme Eggs and Wispas.




The game itself is quite simple, yet fairly addictive as you tap furiously and smack as many ducks as quickly as you can. Players can share their scores socially – something almost de rigueur now for smartphone/online gaming.


While the technology is original and the process new to consumers, it does lack an incentive and would seemingly benefit from a prize element or similar. Perhaps free chocolate bars or an Olympic offer such as a ticket-competition (as with the hoop game on the campaign’s website) or even some kind of information resource.


This might help such a novel piece of activation gain more traction.













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