
Tate Modern’s Street Art backed by Nissan Qashqai

Nissan’s overarching ‘Urbanproof’ campaign for the Qashqai model revolves around Street Art and Free Riding. Nissan supports Street Art because it believes this movement re-interprets the urban environment in the same way the Qashqai does.


To activate this approach, Nissan partnered with the Tate in London for a Street Art Exhibition used the Tate Modern Gallery as the venue for the final of the Nissan Qashqai Urban Challenge free-riding event.


The exhibition features six international street artists, with their work created directly onto the iconic Tate Modern’s river façade – in the first major public display of Street Art in the UK.


The participating six artists – Blu (Bologna, Italy); the Faile Collective (New York, USA); JR (Paris, France); Nunca and Os Gemeos (Sao Paulo, Brazil) and Sixeart (Barcelona, Spain) – created works directly onto the Tate Modern building using spray paint, household paints, photography and fly posting.


The objective was to reinforce the product’s connection with the art movement and to use the exhibition to engage with new and broader audiences. These themes are used to engage the middle-aged (35 to 45 year olds) urban male target. The Street Art show and Freeriding event combined to bring the target market and their younger children together with twin attractions.


To maximise the engagement, the car marquee ran tours of existing street art, offering maps for self-discovery, marking out and branding the best spots from which to view the exhibition, and running a series of articles in the mainstream press.


Street Art was curated by Cedar Lewisohn of Tate Media and an illustrated book on Street Art by Cedar Lewisohn will be published by Tate this May.




Activation helped dovetail the event itself with Nissan’s wider marketing campaign and included exhibition/event advertising, advertorials, cycling and driving tours highlighting other street art in London, and an information ‘tunnel’ at the front of Tate Modern housing information about the exhibition and the street art movement in general.


All messages were consistent across all media and together created a powerful integrated campaign about the exhibition and the sponsorship.


This was, in fact, a three-way tie-up as it also coincided with the UBS Openings ‘The Long Weekend’ show at The Tate which opened on the same day as the Street Art exhibition. This additional element further boosted awareness and consumer interest.










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