
Newcastle BA’s Fiscally Responsible ‘Band of Brands’

Leveraging the usual annual publicity around the cost of a 30-second Super Bowl spot (this year it crept up to a record $4.5m), Newcastle Brown Ale built an alliance of 37 different brands which all squeezed into the one ad.


This approach also cleverly played on the same brand’s notable 2014 Super Bowl ‘If We Had Made It’ ambush campaign which revolved around the idea of what Newcastle would have done if it had been able to afford to buy and make a Super Bowl commercial.


This crazy product placement ambush spoof, developed by Droga5, generated plenty of pre-game interest with a funny online teaser.



The in-game commercial itself was so jam-packed with logos and product placement that it was described by the advertisers as ‘the most fiscally responsible big game ad ever’.



But, considering that one of the companies was a Pittsburgh dentist, one has to question whether the other brands involved actually contributed to the cost?


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