
V Energy’s ‘Take Me To FMF’ Social Video Challenge Ticket Competition

With tickets to Australia’s biggest music festival costing more than (AUS)$160, there was some serious FOMO (fear of missing out) amongst 20-something Australians across social media in the months leading up to the event.


So V reacted to this by working with agency OMD developing a strategy that saw the brand step in and help make things a little easier for would be festivalgoers.


The energy drink brand launched a integrated campaign across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that saw V Energy offer 150 festival tickets – but to win one, music fans needed to prove just how much they wanted to go by completing one of a series of Future V challenges.


The drinks brand challenged consumers to be the first to post a video of themselves completing one of the campaign’s 66 unique challenges – and using the campaign hashtag #TakeMeToFMF with their video.


These eclectic challenges ranged from ‘Honey Beach Baking’ to ‘Shaving The Brow’ and from semi-naked busking to ‘the Human Pancake’.





The challenge behind V Energy’s Future Music Festivcal activation was that despite being a backer of the event for four years, the average festivalgoers’ would answer that the drinks sponsor of the music extravaganza was rival Red Bull.


So the V team’s aim behind the campaign was to  V needed to behave differently, to stick it to Red Bull and assert their sponsorship of the festival.


As well as all 66 challenges being completed in 3 days and reaching 4m music fans, according to the agency the Take Me To Future Music campaign reduced festival sponsorship misattribution by 60% and increased sales by 10%




V Energy



Future Music Festival



OMD Australia YouTube




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