
2 Head Tennis Virals Break 1m YouTube Views Barrier

Head is perhaps THE tennis brand at the forefront of trying to reposition the sport into something that is more dynamic, youthful and engaging.


It’s principle two strategies for this seem to be firstly focusing on the personalities of their ambassador players and secondly focusing on new media and alternative technologies as their principle platforms for communication.


This year has seen the brand roll out a slew of original and engaging virals – such as Djokovic ‘Speed Wing Tennis’ and Murray’s ‘Urban London Tennis’


Both webfilms have now passed the 1 million views mark on YouTube


Djokovic’s ‘Speed Wing Tennis’ clip, which was released in March, features the world’s number one player having a dare devil game on the wings of a flying plane.



Earlier in the year Andy Murray featured in the inner streets streets of London wearing a hoodie and jeans and brining his tennis magic and mischievous sense of fun to the inner city – a far cry from the usual green lawns of suburban Wimbledon.





Traditionally, tennis has been considered to be exclusive, inaccessible, middle-aged, middle-class, polite, respectful and played in white.


But Head seems to be dragging rights holders and sponsors behind it, in its attempt to try and make the game more accessible, colourful, dynamic, inclusive, innovative, vibrant and youthful.





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