
Thematic: Happy Egg Co athletic TVC has Vangelis soundtrack

This 30-second TV ad features hens engaged in a range of athletic pursuits, from chicken racing to long jump, and its soundtrack is the unmistakable opening theme of the film ‘Chariots of Fire’.

The track, called “Titles”, is by Vangelis and is a tune from one of the most popular film themes of the 1980s – one synonymous in British culture with the Olympic Games.


While the ad is not new for 2012, there is no doubt it’s relaunch leverages Olympic themes both visually and musically.


The objective of the campaign (other than to subtly connect the brand with the goodwill surrounding the game) is to promote the idea that the Happy Egg Company Farm provides its hens with plenty of space to roam and forage and that activities are provided to enhance the natural environment.


The creative idea is to provide a fun and quirky ad to convey the company’s commitment to providing eggs laid by the happiest and most active hens. To drive home the message that the brand is committed to producing free range eggs with a high standard of animal welfare.


This TV follows the brand’s previous campaign, which included both television and press executions, which escaped action from the UK Advertising Standards Authority despite 39 complaints following a news investigation about the brand.


The ASA acknowledged viewer concerns that the investigation contradicted the impression created by the campaign, but noted that the company had responded to the two compliance issues highlighted in RSPCA site inspections.


The ad watchdog found that most viewers would see the ad as a ‘humorous depiction of the life of a Happy Egg chicken’ and said that the Happy Egg Company had provided evidence that demonstrated its compliance with the RSPCA Freedom Food scheme (as well as invested in activity kits for its chickens).




To view the TVC click here

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